Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wooden Mint Painted Button Bracelet Tutorial

 Wooden Mint Painted Button Bracelet Tutorial
What you will need: buttons, spacers, cord, crimps, clasp, jump ring, paint or polish, & pliers. 
I used 4 buttons and 2 spacers but depending on the size of your goodies you may need more or less.
 If you have boring buttons like mine apply 1-2 coats of paint or polish. I went with polish over paint because I liked the colors better... The wood soaked up the polish though so I needed extra coats.
 Apply and let dry.
 Paint spacers if needed and let them dry.
 Cut your cord double the length the bracelet should be.
 Fold the cord over but don't cut, it's less trouble leaving it as it.
 Add the clasp on the loop end.
 Crimp the end tightly on the loop end.
 With the two open ends thread the first button on the half of the button going under the holes.
 Cross the cord in the top holes.
 You want to make sure the cord is even. If it is like this adjust the cord on the buttons until they are even.
 The design is up to you so place the beads were you want.
 My order was button, spacer, button, button, spacer, button.
When you are done and everything is even crimp the other end on.

Done and done, enjoy your bracelet! 

Pin it if you like it! 


  1. Where did you get your claddagh bracelet in the picture?

    1. I made it! I make matching ones for me & my ma, we wear them till they fall off :)
